Get to the Real Root Cause of your hormonal imbalances!

Download the free guide and finally get to the root cause of your hormonal issues instead of just covering up the symptoms.

    Get to the Real Root Cause of your hormonal imbalances!

    Step by step guide

    You will receive a 4-steps guide on how to get to the Real Root Cause of your hormonal imbalances, instead of covering up your symptoms and not truly healing.

    Proven strategies

    All of the strategies of getting to the Root Cause of the hormonal issues are proven by over 100 k women in Poland, where the author of the guide is from, and where she already helped thousands of women heal.

    + BONUS!

    The guide contains a bonus page with additional 4 personalized action steps on what excatly to do, when you find out your real root cause.

    How exactly does it work?

    By going through 4 simple steps, you will find out what exactly has caused your body to be in the state of hormonal imbalance. You’ll discover which one of the 4 root causes, applies to your health situation.

    You will get a set of tools, that are not another quick fixes, but rather real solutions, addressing the root cause of your imbalances.

    See the results of addressing your root cause in your daily life – lighter periods, less bloating, no more PMS, good fertility, more energy, great mood!

    Get to the Real Root Cause of your hormonal imbalances!


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    Download the Real Root Cause Guide and follow the 4-steps strategy. Discover your Root Cause and start to feel better!

    And if you don't know me yet...

    I know what I’m doing and I’m GOOD at it.

    There was a time when every time I got my period, I would lie on the bathroom floor, vomiting, shaking unable to move or speak from excruciating pain. And when I finally got diagnosed with every possible disease (endometriosis, PCOS, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance etc.) the only thing doctors offered me was the contraceptive pill. But I knew there must be a better solution!

    So as a pharmacist and clinical nutritionist I dived deeper into hormone healing which led me to getting rid of all of my diagnosis and thriving! I now feel better than ever and even have a 10 month old son Henryk.

    In 2019 I got on a mission to help women heal by getting to the root cause of their hormonal imbalances – just as I did! 

    My online courses in Poland (where I was born and still live) helped over 6 k of women and my account on IG is reaching over 106 k followers every day!

    Women using my strategies, are thriving, having painless, regular periods, getting pregnant and feeling happier than ever so I decided to share it worldwide!

    Warsztaty stacjonarne Kasia

    Are you ready to finally feel good… for good?

    Your body has the healing abilities better than the best drugs in the world.

    To use them, you just need to:

    Address the Root Cause so the body can naturally heal

    Find out what exactly is the problem (your Real Root Cause)

    No more chasing for symptoms!

    Download the Guide and take the first step towards truly healing your hormones

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